Set in the canteen of a fictional factory, Victoria Wood's sitcom follows the work lives of five main dinnerladies, as well as their other colleagues and family members.
Bren - Victoria Wood
Jean - Anne Reid
Twinkle - Maxine Peake
Anita - Shobna Gulati
Philippa - Celia Imrie
Petula - Julie Walters
Dolly - Thelma Barlow
Tony - Andrew Dunn
Stan - Duncan Preston
Spotlight Star

So I've chosen Julie Walters as the Spotlight Star simply because of how memorable a creation the character is. The sitcom would be good without her, but its better with her drunken antics.
My first choice was going to be Maxine Peake, being only 24 when Dinnerladies first aired in 1999. Twinkie is the young and dopey character that every older sitcom seemed to have--the ones that always stole the scenes and gathered the most laughs. But I chose Julie for her sheer legendary-ness and iconic-ness.
In short, I did like the show, but it didn't completely wow me as some other shows have done.
Casting - 8/10
Originality - 7/10
Execution - 6/10 ★★★☆☆