With series 15 recently drawn to a close, and Mae Martin crowned a rightful champion, we have two lineups to discuss; the newly announced series 16 beginning Phase Four, and the third Champion of Champions series which Mae will be joining. So let's dive in.
Champion of Champions 3

We'll start with CoCIII, an interesting mix of accents and characters, but who will join Josh Widdicombe and Richard Herring in the possible Champion of Champion of Champions (CoCoC)?
My only fear with this lineup is that it has the potential to be quite dry. Most of them have quite deadpan styles, and straightforward "bosh" attitudes, so I think Morgana will be the chaotic saving grace this CoC needs. I also hope for two more things; that it isn't a one-episode affair, and that the last task isn't a "one person takes all" style.
Series 16

Okay, this lineup has HUGE possibilities for greatness. Having seen both Julian and Sue live at TV recordings and pantomimes, I know that this series has the potential to be pure filth, and I'm kind of wishing I went to the taping, because I can imagine most of what was said will have to be cut out.
Susan I know from Chewing Gum and she did steal her scenes.
Lucy is overdue and makes me think Alex is hoping to make a couples edition in the future with the Beaumonts, Mel & Sue, and Baddiel & Skinner.
I'm not familiar with the work of Sam Campbell, but one of the things I love about new series of TM is the ones I haven't heard of, as it tends to be those that make the greatest impressions--eg. Jess Knappett, Mawaan Rizwan, and John Kearns.