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JD Cavallo

Updated: Jun 26, 2023


Freddie and Stuart have been a couple (or "flatmates" as Stuart's mother knows) for almost 50 years, and there love has no end, including all of their vicious insults thrown regularly at each other.


Freddie - Ian McKellen

Stuart - Derek Jacobi

Violet - Frances de la Tour

Ash - Iwan Rheon

Penelope - Marcia Warren

Mason - Phillip Voss

Spotlight Star

I think this decision was one of the most difficult so far, because lord knows I love me some Frances de la Tour, and Iwan Rheon is a good Ash, but for me the character that steals every scene she's in was Penelope. Every line was a hit, and performed so brilliantly by Marcia Warren.


Vicious is one of the first studio sitcoms that I've reviewed, and the obvious audience is a very different vibe to the mockumentary types I've recently watched. But I have to admit that I just utterly fell in love with this show. During the first episode I thought, "I'm not going to like this". What an idiot I was. To have three British acting royals merged with Simon from Misfits is insane but inspired. You can tell that Iwan isn't used to audiences or comedies, but he really makes Ash a unique creation. Freddie and Stuart are adorable and Violet is hilarious.


Casting - 10/10

Originality - 8/10

Execution - 7/10


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